The God of love and peace be with you

Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.

2 Corinthians 13:11

I’m currently working my way through a massive pile of Common Entrance examination marking. My Year 8s are sitting their mock exams this week, and it’s fallen upon me to mark the evidence section of the History exam. Most of them are pretty good, but there are some that could be better. What I find particularly dispiriting is that some of my pupils, having been taught by me for two and a half years, still aren’t following advice on how to answer the questions. It pains me to read through work that could be so much better if only the child concerned had listened to my advice. Perhaps I’m being unfair, though. Maybe the advice that seems simple and straight forward to me is not easy for a thirteen year old child to follow. Perhaps it’s not as easy as I think it is!

That’s similar to how I feel about the verse above. I’ve just finished reading through Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. Towards the end of this letter he offers this parting guidance to his recipients. Strive for full restoration, he says, encourage one another, be of one mind, and live in peace. This is good advice that we should all try to follow. Upon first reading, it struck me as a simple instruction that would help us as we strive to live as citizens of God’s kingdom. On further reflection, though, these instructions don’t seem quite so straightforward. 

Firstly, we have the question of what “striving for full restoration” even means. The New International Readers’ Version of the Bible has this as “try to be perfect,” which seems to take up Jesus’ instruction in Matthew 5:48, to “be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” Suddenly Paul’s request doesn’t seem quite so straightforward! How can we possibly be perfect? Surely that’s impossible? Well, yes, it probably is whilst we live in a fallen world afflicted with sin, but it certainly shows that we should set our sights high as we strive to live for God! It certainly shows that we need to take our faith seriously, and aim to live as Jesus did. We need to try to live out our lives as if the fall had never happened, as if sin had never entered the world. 

Perhaps Paul recognised just how difficult this instruction was, since his next request was that the Corinthians “encourage one another.” This brings to mind a verse that I particularly like, Hebrews 3:13, which says, “but encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” As we aim for perfection, or full restoration, we should be able to rely on the support and encouragement of other Christians, our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a two way street, though. If we are to rely on the support of other Christians, we need to ensure that we are playing our part in the support network of the Christian church, and are encouraging those around us in their daily lives. I don’t think that it is particularly common for Christians to do this. I know of some churches where they encourage members to ask each other how their “journey of faith” is at the moment, but in my view this kind of questioning is not particularly helpful, since answers tend to be mainly half truths or attempts to brush away the question as quickly as possible. Other churches and Christian groups encourage “accountability partnerships,” in which two or three people agree to hold each other accountable, particularly in areas of their life that might see a particular struggle against a specific sin. Such partnerships can be invaluable, but are generally focused inwards rather than outwards, to the wider body of Christ, to others in the Church. Perhaps if we are to adhere to Paul’s exhortation we need first to build tighter bonds within and between Churches, and to deepen our relationships with other Christians. Perhaps this is the only way in which we will be able to effectively “encourage one another.”

Paul’s next instruction is to “be of one mind.” It doesn’t take even a second glance to understand that this plea is difficult. Very difficult indeed. The Church is heavily fragmented around the world. Different denominations exist that put a particular spin on some scripture – or even on what scripture actually is. Even within a single congregation there will be differences of opinion, theologically, theoretically, practically. Should we baptise (christen?) babies? Should gay people be allowed to marry? Has God predestined some people to go to heaven, and others not? Should we have PG Tips or Tetley tea? I’ve heard some Christians urge “unity, but not at any cost.” I’ve heard others say, “unity is only necessary around the key points of the Gospel.” But what if we can’t decide what the key elements of the Gospel actually are? Perhaps we need to accept that being “of one mind” is fraught with difficulties, but if it is a plea in God’s word, we need to try to do our best-to talk to people we disagree with, to establish why we disagree, and reflect on if and how we can “be of one mind.” Perhaps we need to look for areas of agreement and work together in those areas and see where that gets us. Perhaps, most of all, we should pray for the Holy Spirit to move through God’s people and help us to “be of one mind.”

“Living in peace” clearly has a link to the instruction to “be of one mind.” Understanding each other, and striving for unity and agreement will clearly help us as we strive to live in peace. If we can’t manage to live in peace with our fellow Christians, it will be very hard for us to be God’s messengers of peace to the wider world.

The final section of this verse must be more straight forward. “And the God of love and peace will be with you.” A simple statement, surely? But is Paul saying that if we do these things then the God of love and peace will be with us? Or is he saying that the God of love and peace will be with us as we strive to do these things? It depends, I suppose, on if you think that we have to work to earn God’s favour, or if you believe that he freely bestows his blessings upon us, even if we do not deserve them. Personally, I believe very strongly in the latter. God loves all his people and showers his love and peace upon us all. 

If God is with us, then perhaps we might be able to make a stab at following Paul’s instructions after all. Otherwise, just as my guidance to my pupils might at first seem easy to follow, the exhortations that Paul urges the Corinthians to adhere to, which at first glance look straightforward, might be rather more difficult than we thought.

Pray for Ukraine

Pray for Ukraine

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy .’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Matthew 5:43-48

The eyes of the world are on Ukraine. As I write (2150 GMT, 3rd March 2014), it appears that Russia have issued the an ultimatum to the Ukrainian military. Either they surrender by dawn tomorrow (0300 GMT, 4th March 2014), or the Russians will launch a full assault against the region. The thought of war is always horrifying, but the prospect of worsening relations between Russia and the west should concern us all.

This is not a time for words, however, but a time for prayer. Christian leaders in Crimea have called on the Church to support the region in prayer, and this week has already been declared to be a week of prayer for Ukraine and Crimea. This is doubly important with the tension notching up a gear, hour by hour and minute by minute.

I find the passage above to be particularly helpful. We are reminded that hatred was not something that Jesus condoned. Instead, he called on all his followers to pray for those who persecuted them, to love those who hated them, and to strive for perfect love. Jesus made it clear that God loves all people: “he causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” As hard as this may seem, particularly when a peaceful region is threatened with violent assault, it is important that we understand these words and act on Jesus’ commands.

Let’s pray for the people in Ukraine, and particularly Crimea. Let’s pray for Ukrainian leaders, especially the interim President, Olexander Turchynov (a committed Christian and Baptist pastor), and the Ukrainian military. Let’s pray also for Putin, the leaders of Russia and the Russian military. And let’s pray for God’s Spirit of peace to move throughout the region, to bring an end to hostilities and threats of hostilities, and to bring peace to a troubled area of God’s world.

No grumbling or arguing!

No grumbling or arguing!

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labour in vain.

Philippians 2:14-16

As I get older, I’m sure I find myself getting more cynical and less positive. Looking back, perhaps through rose-tinted spectacles, I see a time in my past when I was always happy, cheerful and overwhelmingly positive. A time came in my life, though, when I found myself thrust deep into the “darkest valley” that David refers to in Psalm 23. Difficulties at work, and a perceived abandonment by my friends, made me feel isolated and depressed. Ill health, and a realisation of my own mortality all conspired to leave me in a very dark place indeed.

Thankfully, God led me through this period of my life and brought me back to the green pastures of happier days. That period of bleakness and despair left a profound mark on my life, however. I became a little more cynical, perhaps a bit more paranoid, and my previous sunny outlook on life was impacted by just a little low-lying misty cloud.

That’s why, when we considered this verse in church yesterday, it came as something of a revelation to me. This verse, our preacher told us, is the essence of the Christian life, the key to living as God would have us live. If we “do everything without grumbling or arguing,” Paul tells us, we will become “blameless and pure” and shine “like stars in the sky.” We would model a Christ-like attitude towards those around us, so that we stand out as distinctly different to the “warped and crooked” generation in which we live. Through our attitude we will draw people to Christ. People will feel able to come to us to discuss their own lives, they will sense that they can trust us, and we can support them as they face their own difficulties in life. Ultimately, we might be able to point them towards Christ as their saviour.

I find myself grumbling and arguing on pretty much a daily basis. Whether it’s responding on Twitter or Facebook to global events, or criticising the latest decisions of my bosses and work, I find it almost impossible to get through a whole day without grumbling or arguing. This is no way to model the Christian life, it is no way to be distinctive in the world. Yet these are traps that are so easy to fall into that most of us find ourselves battling against them on a daily basis.

These verses from Philippians, however, have today inspired me to try harder, and to pray to God for his assistance, that I might be a more positive person and refrain from grumbling and arguing, so that I might shine like a star in the sky, and be a good representative of God amongst those I live and work. Hard it might be, but with his support and guidance I am sure that I can be more positive. Perhaps I might even find that the quality of my own life improves!

Esau settles in Seir

Esau settles in Seir

Esau took his wives and sons and daughters and all the members of his household, as well as his livestock and all his other animals and all the goods he had acquired in Canaan, and moved to a land some distance from his brother Jacob. Their possessions were too great for them to remain together; the land where they were staying could not support them both because of their livestock. So Esau (that is, Edom) settled in the hill country of Seir.

Genesis 36:6-8

One of my pupils didn’t hand his homework in the other day. When I questioned him about where it was he responded that he had been busy the previous night. He made me a promise that he would hand it in to me personally first thing the next morning. Guess what? He didn’t hand his book in and broke his promise. We all break promises from time to time though without thinking. We promise to do something but forget. We promise to phone someone but get caught up doing something else. We promise to visit our elderly aunt at the weekend but would rather spend the time with our friends.

God has made us lots of promises in the Bible. Unlike us, though, God can be relied upon to keep his promises. That’s what we see in today’s reading; God keeping the promises he made to Esau’s ancestors. God made a promise to Rachel, Esau’s mother, saying, “two nations are in your womb, and two people’s within you will be separated” (Genesis 25:23). We’ve seen over the past week or so how Esau’s brother, Jacob, became the leader of a new nation, the nation of Israel. Now we see here that Esau is also the founder of a nation, the nation of Edom. Esau’s is a prosperous and successful nation, with a great deal of livestock, which brought about the separation with Israel. Esau moved away from Canaan because the land could not support his livestock and that of Israel’s. Of course, this was also the fulfilment of God’s promise to Abraham, to whom God said, “‘As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be called Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations’” (Genesis 17:4-5).

We see today that God keeps his promises. This is great news for those of us who place our trust in him and seek to follow him, since we can be confident that all of God’s promises – of which there are many in the Bible (3573 according to several websites I’ve just consulted!) – will be ultimately fulfilled!

Let us go up to Bethel

Let us go up to Bethel

“Then come, let us go up to Bethel, where I will build an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress and who has been with me wherever I have gone.”

Genesis 35:3

Have you ever felt the presence of God in your life? I don’t just mean knowing intellectually that he is always there with you, I mean some kind of sensation that you cannot explain, but which you just know is the presence of God? I’ve experienced this a couple of times: once when I was a child and I was visiting Southwark cathedral with friends from my church; on another occasion when I was on the North Downs in the midst of a storm.

Jacob, we see in our verse today, had complete confidence in the presence of God in his life at all times. Throughout his twenty years or so of roaming, he knows that God has been with him wherever he went. Whether it was fleeing from his family after tricking his father into giving him a blessing that should have been his brother Esau’s, roaming around the desert, living with his uncle, returning to his fatherland and making up with Esau, dealing with the fall out of the rape of his daughter, or any number of the other situations he faced, he just knew and trusted that God had been with him. He also knew that God had answered him on his “day of distress,” giving him the support and guidance that he needed in every circumstance. Jacob believed that because of God’s constant love, support and guidance, it was only right that he built an altar on which to make sacrifices to acknowledge his love – and debt – to God.

Just like he was with Jacob, I believe that God is with us wherever we go, offering love, guidance, support and encouragement to us. I believe that when we come to our “days of distress” God answers us too. Since the death and resurrection of Jesus we no longer make animal sacrifices to God, instead we offer him our lives as living sacrifices. Let’s give thanks for God’s love today, and renew our response to him by seeking to honour and serve him in all areas of our lives.

Give us your daughters

Give us your daughters

Intermarry with us; give us your daughters and take our daughters for yourselves.

Genesis 34:9

It can be very difficult to live as a Christian in the western world. Christians are called to follow Jesus’ example, and that means setting a very high bar for morality, fairness, and attitude towards others. It can be very hard to be loving and positive when those around us are negative and full of hatred. It can be very hard not to succumb to brazen materialism when society around us is all about the acquisition of more and more. It can be very hard to live pure lives when there is so much impurity around us. Yet we are called to be salt and light in our world, so that others may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:13-16).

This is one of the struggles that Jacob and his family have to contend with in the rather dark times we read about in Genesis 34. Upon returning to his homeland, Jacob bought a piece of land “from the sons of Hamor, the father of Shechem” (Genesis 33:19) on which to settle. Soon after, Shechem took and raped Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah. In order to smooth the relationship over between his own family and Jacob’s, Hamor, Shechem’s father, proposes a tightening of the bond between them. Why don’t Jacob’s family intermarry with his own, Hamor suggests. He surely has more than Dinah on his mind, however; after all, Jacob’s family have been richly blessed and are very wealthy! Jacob faces a real dilemma with this suggestion, however. His family have received a promise from God and have become his chosen people. How would God’s promise stand if his family intermarried with a people who did not love and respect God, who did not follow his rules and guidelines, and who were clearly morally dubious?

This is a very similar situation to the one we find ourselves in today, living as “foreigners and exiles” in the world, much as Jacob and his family did. Do we conform to the expectations of the world, lower our standards, and water down our beliefs to bring us in line with those around us? Or do we endeavour to love God, to follow his teaching, and to strive for a more Godly way of living?

Esau’s Forgiveness

Esau’s Forgiveness

But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him; he threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. And they wept.

Genesis 33:4

Have you had to ask someone to forgive you recently? Perhaps you found a piece of chocolate that someone was saving and ate it without thinking. Maybe you arrived late for supper with friends. No matter how hard we try, it is inevitable that there will always be times when we annoy or upset people, or when we let someone down. In these circumstances it is good to know that we have been forgiven because we can move on with our lives. I’m sure there are also people who you feel have let you down, or hurt you in some way. Being able to forgive people, no matter how badly they have acted against us, is very important; without doing so we can cause hatred to take a root in our hearts, and it will end up burning us up inside. Forgiveness can be very, very hard to do, however.

In today’s verse we see forgiveness in action. Jacob has returned home after twenty years away. He left after cheating his brother, Esau, out of his father’s blessing, which he should have received as the eldest son. Esau was clearly very, very upset, and very angry about this. Consequently, when he returns home, Jacob does so extremely cautiously, fearing a possible attack from his brother. He must have been shocked by Esau’s response to his return, therefore; Esau “ran to meet Jacob and embraced him.” Both of the brothers were overcome with emotion and wept. I’m sure a good deal of Jacob’s weeping must have been due to his surprise, delight, and happiness that his brother was not still angry with him. He is absolutely overjoyed at Esau’s forgiveness, which he no doubt felt he did not deserve. He even compares Esau’s forgiveness with that of God when he says in verse ten, “to see your face is like seeing the face of God.”

I wonder if there are people who we need to ask for forgiveness from, people that we know we have wronged but who we’re hiding away from. I have no doubt that we also have people who we need to forgive, even if we think they do not deserve to be forgiven. Perhaps we can pray for forgiveness and reconciliation with our friends and family today. Most of all, maybe we should thank God that we can be forgiven because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who paid the price for all of our wrongdoing, and reconciled us to his father in heaven. Just as Esau ran to greet his forgiven brother, God is desperate for us to return to him, and is waiting to forgive and embrace us.

Jacob’s Prayer

Jacob’s Prayer

Then Jacob prayed, “O God of my father Abraham, God of my father Isaac, Lord, you who said to me, ‘Go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper,’ I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two camps. Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me, and also the mothers with their children. But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’”

Genesis 32:9-12

Do you make promises to your friends and family? Are you always able to keep those promises? There are few things worse than a broken promise; they can leave the person who was made the promise feeling upset, let down and angry. A broken promise has the potential to really damage a relationship.

Today’s verses, which are a prayer prayed by Jacob as he approaches his homeland, deal with God’s promises to Jacob. Jacob left his homeland on bad terms with his brother, Esau, not least because he had cheated him out of his father’s dying blessing. He doesn’t know how safe it will be for him to return, and so he turns to God in prayer. His prayer is an interesting one, and we can certainly learn from it. Jacob begins by making a statement of the promise that God made to him when God told him to “‘go back to your country and your relatives, and I will make you prosper’.” Next he affirms his faith that God keeps his promises, by praising him for keeping previous promises: God told him that he would prosper, and, despite the fact that when he left, he had practically nothing, now he has great wealth, and has “become two camps.” Thirdly, having stressed that he knows God keeps his promises, he asks for God’s protection: “save me from the hand of my brother Esau.” Fourthly, he stresses that he makes this request of God in order that God’s promise to him to make him prosper and give him many descendants is fulfilled.

I wonder if you’ve ever prayed a prayer like this? I’m not sure I’ve ever done so quite as effectively as Jacob. Perhaps we could try and pray a similar prayer today. Why not jot down some of the promises that God has made to us? Maybe you could read through some favourite Bible passages and underline God’s promises to us? Then perhaps we could try praising God for keeping his promises. Next we could petition God for something that we feel that we need or desire in order for God’s promise to be fulfilled. By no means an easy feat, but surely worth a go!

I will be with you

I will be with you

Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.”

Genesis 31:3

I’ve just come back from a holiday with Claire, my wife. We were lucky enough to be able to visit both Venice and Rome, two very beautiful cities that neither of us had had the opportunity to visit before. Rather unusually for us, we didn’t get lost. Not once. This is very unusual for us, since we have a tendency to head off in the exact opposite direction to the one we should be heading in. We’ve managed to get ourselves lost in cities all around the world! I blame our poor sense of direction.

I’m sure many of us struggle with our sense of direction. That can also apply to our lives too, of course. With so many jobs on offer, so many places to live, so many people we could marry, how on earth are we supposed to know the correct route to pursue in our lives?

Today’s Daily Reading is about exactly that. Jacob has been in Paddan Aram, with his mother’s family, for twenty years. He knew from the outset that this wouldn’t be his permanent home; God had made that clear to him in a dream on his way to Paddan Aram (Genesis 28:15). Jacob had himself started to desire to return to his family, saying to Laban, his uncle/father-in-law (twice over!), “send me on my way so I can go back to my homeland” (Genesis 30:25). Then later, he overheard his cousins/brothers-in-law saying, “‘Jacob has taken everything our father owned and has gained all this wealth from what belonged to our father’” (Genesis 31:1). They were clearly getting a little irritated with him. Jacob even noticed that “Laban’s attitude toward him was not what it had been” (Genesis 31:2). Even his wives seem to be getting a little fed up with their present circumstances, saying, “‘do we still have any share in the inheritance of our father’s estate? Does he not regard us as foreigners? Not only has he sold us, but he has used up what was paid for us. Surely all the wealth that God took away from our father belongs to us and our children’” (Genesis 31:15-16). All indications are that Jacob’s life will take a change in direction. The final sign comes when God himself spoke to Jacob, telling him to go back to the land of his fathers, as we see in today’s key verse. What we also see in this verse in God’s promise that he will be with Jacob as he takes this new direction.

There’s much for us to note in this verse as we seek to find God’s direction for our own lives. God had clearly been preparing Jacob for the return to his homeland for some time. It looks like God had been at work in Laban, his sons, in Jacob himself, and his wives, all preparing them for their return to Jacob’s home. Finally, Jacob received a clear direction from God that he should return. I have no doubt that God works in us and and in those around us in a similar way today. I also take great comfort from the fact that when Jacob follows God’s direction, God will be with him. This must be a good incentive for us to seek out God’s path for our own lives!

Give me children, or I’ll die!

Give me children, or I’ll die!

When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister. So she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or I’ll die!”

Jacob became angry with her and said, “Am I in the place of God, who has kept you from having children?”

Genesis 30:1-2

Is there something you’d really like in your life right now? Maybe you’d like a new job, one that is better paid and more fulfilling. Perhaps you’d like a partner to share your life with. Maybe you’d really like to have a child. I guess the truth is that whatever our situation, there’s always something that we would like in life. If we want something enough, we’ll do anything in our power to obtain it.

That’s what we see in the verses above. At the end of Genesis 29 we saw Jacob marry two of his cousins. He was desperately in love with Rachel, but his uncle, Laban, deceived him and he ended up marrying Rachel’s sister, Leah. In return for working for Laban, he was also given Rachel’s hand in marriage. Now we see Jacob beginning his own family. Leah had borne Jacob four sons, but Rachel had been unable to get pregnant. Not unexpectedly, she “became jealous of her sister.” Jacob could not bear to see Rachel plagued with jealousy, and “became angry with her.” Jacob understood that children, like all that we have, are a gift from God. Only God can determine if and when someone is to have children. Perhaps rather than becoming jealous, Rachel would have been better off praying to God, and asking him to bless her in the same way that he was blessing her sister Leah.

We often find ourselves getting angry because we haven’t got something that we’d like to have. Perhaps we too need to see our situation as Jacob sees Rachel’s here. Maybe rather than getting angry, we too should bring our desires to God in prayer. After all, as James writes in his letter, “every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17).