He did what the angel commanded

He did what the angel commanded

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

Matthew 1:24-25

The old phrase says that “behind every great man there is a great woman,” the idea being that a man can only achieve greatness with the support of his wife or significant other. Today, though, the reverse is also often true. Over the last hundred years or so we have seen woman gain greater equality than men, and I’m sure that women who have achieved greatness would acknowledge the support of their husbands or boyfriends. Ultimately, in the context of marriage, men and women work together to support each other in their hopes, dreams and aspirations.

When we think of the birth of Jesus, we rightly think of the role of Mary. She, after all, gave birth to the Son of God. Without her, history would have been very different indeed. We often overlook the role of Joseph, however. At the time of Mary’s conception, she was engaged to Joseph, which in those days was a legally binding agreement very similar to marriage. Joseph, upon finding out that Mary was pregnant, decided to quietly separate from her in order not to bring shame upon her. Joseph then encountered an angel in a dream, which told him not to divorce Mary, since the baby she carries was conceived by the Holy Spirit. The angel tells Joseph that Mary’s son is the fulfilment of the Old Testament prophecies of the messiah. When Joseph awoke from his dream, he humbly did exactly what the angel told him; he took Mary as his wife, despite the likelihood thqat this would bring him shame, to be seen to be taking a pregnant woman as his wife. He also stood by and supported Mary until she gave birth.

All in all, Joseph seems to have been rather a good bloke. He clearly loved Mary and wanted to do the right thing by her. He also loved God, and wanted to honour him. He did not react angrily to the news of Mary’s pregnancy but stood by her and loved her. I think we can all learn something about how we regard other people – not just our partners, but our friends and colleagues – as well as how we need to accept the plans that God has for us and those whom we love in a calm and humble manner.

He has brought down rulers from their thrones

He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.

Luke 1:51-52

I’m often castigated by people for working in an independent school. People think I’ve sold out, and should be teaching “normal” children in a state school. The way some of my friends react to my chosen place of work amazes me. Many would probably be happier if I was out exploiting African farmers than teaching in a fee paying school. I always find it slightly odd. Personally, I believe very much that God has called me into my workplace. Independent schools so often encourage young people to get a well-paid job, which will enable them to get a pretty wife, drive a nice car, and live in a fancy house. I think that Christians, therefore, have a very important role to play in this sort of environment. It is up to us to show these impressionable young minds that there are other ways to live.

To many, the ideas of Christianity are completely counter cultural. Yet this is frequently the message that we get from the Bible. Here, in the words of Mary, we see some specific examples of the kind of behaviour that God endorses, which runs totally counter to the way our world lives. God has scatterered those who are proud, we are told. God knocks down powerful rulers, yet raises up the most humble. God has sent the rich away, whilst providing for the poor. This, then, is the kind of person that God likes; modest, humble, poor people. These are the people who will inherit a place in God’s kingdom, for it is precisely these people who will place God at the centre of their lives, and not let earthly possessions or self importance come between themselves and God. If we choose to worship the stuff that we own, and constantly seek to acquire more, or if we are convinced of our own brilliance, we sideline God, when we should be placing him at the heart of all that we do.

This is a difficult message for us all, especially in rich, western societies. Reflect today on whether you are a modest, humble, poor person, who places God at the heart of everything you do. Or are you someone who prides themselves on their own self-importance, and all the great stuff that your home is filled with?

From generation to generation

His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.

Luke 1:50

When I was at school, we had several teachers who had been there for years and years. Whenever I met a former pupil, they would always ask if those teachers they remembered were still there. In particular, there were two teachers who people would always enquire about – both of them Latin teachers. In their own way, they were both highly memorable. One, who was also the Second Master, had a ferocious temper, and was renowned for exploding in anger at the slightest thing. His way of maintaining discipline in the school was to ensure that everyone feared him. He gained his respect through the fear that we all felt. Since we feared and respected him, we would not break the school rules. Of course, by the time we got to our mid-teens, we no longer really feared the teacher in question. Consequently, he lost much of his respect in the eyes of the older pupils.

Fear and respect are closely related, including in today’s reading. When Mary, who is speaking here, talks about fear, she means more than simply being afraid of God. We respected our teacher because we feared him. Mary’s use of the word ‘fear’ implies this respect, and the humble obedience to God that will follow as a consequence of this fear and respect. Whilst our respect for our Latin teacher declined as we ceased to fear him, our ‘fear’ for the Lord God is limitless. We began to realise that our Latin teacher’s anger was all an act as we grew older. In contrast, our fear of God will only increase as we realise the limitless potential he has. He is, after all, the creator of the universe!

Luckily for us, though, fear of the Lord is rewarded. Mary, who had previously been stating how she had been greatly blessed by God, now turns the spotlight off her, and onto us. She understands that God’s mercy, as demonstrated by the birth of her son, extends to all those who humbly obey him, as she has done. ‘From generation to generation’ indicates that God’s mercy does not simply extend to those who knew Jesus personally, but to all who have subsequently lived their lives according to his teachings, through the centuries.

Mary clearly grasped the great importance of Gabriel’s message, and the baby that she would bring into the world. At Christmas, the question is, do we? Do we fear the Lord? Do we humbly obey him, as Mary did? Or do we reject him through our words and deeds? The promise here is amazing. It’s certainly worth reflecting on.

My soul glorifies the Lord

And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.

Luke 1:46-49

Although I will admit to liking the music of Leona Lewis, I can’t stand the X Factor. More than that, though, I cannot stand Big Brother. At least some of the people in X Factor have talent, even if the show itself is little more than a slick marketing operation for Simon Cowell and his products. The talent of people in Big Brother seems difficult to discern. It is, in my view, indicative of a society in which we worship celebrities – simply because they are celebrities, not because they have done anything of great note. Young people want to be famous – but famous for nothing, other than being famous. It seems a strange thing to aspire to to me!

Once again, in today’s reading we see the humility of the virgin Mary coming to the fore. But wait – is she having a Big Brother moment? She says that “from now on all generations will call me blessed!” Is she aspiring to fame? No, not at all. She realises that fame has come to her, but this fame is not because of anything that Mary has, or has not done. Mary’s fame comes about because God has done great things for her. Immediately after exclaiming this, she says not, “aren’t I fabulous!” but “holy is his name.” Mary understands that her good fortune has been brought about not because of who she is, but because of what God has done for her. It is for this reason that Mary exclaims, “my soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.” She is quick to give all the credit for her special position in society to God. Mary cannot stop herself singing out in praise to God for the way that he has blessed her. She doesn’t just praise God with her words, but with every fibre of her being. Her soul and her spirit unite in praising the Lord!

Sometimes we can be tempted to think how marvellous we are, and how lucky the world is to have us. But just remember – it is God that has made us who we are. It is God that has blessed us. It is God who has given us our talents and skills. And it is God that controls our lives. Rather than taking the credit for our sheer brilliance, maybe we, like Mary, should turn our praise around, and give thanks to God. Perhaps, like Mary, we should thank God with every fibre of our being for blessing us so richly.

Header image courtesy of Rob Corder on Flickr, made available under the terms of this licence.

The Lord’s Servant

The Lord’s Servant

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.

Luke 1:38

After I left school, I went to work for Marks and Spencer for two years. I began as a temporary seasonal sales assistant working in menswear, but managed to join the management training programme, whereupon I reached the dizzy heights of ladieswear manager. Although it was not always a happy time for me, having moved hundreds of miles away from my family and friends, I genuinely felt that God wanted me to be there. Consequently, when I was made redundant, I found myself raging against God. Why had he taken me so far away from home? Why had he ensured that my time at Marks and Spencer was so brief? Having always trusted that God had a plan for my life, and that I had been following that plan, I could not understand what was going on. It took me some time to realise that this might, in fact, have been God’s plan all along. What if he had in mind for me to fulfil a specific purpose in that particular workplace? What if he had wanted me to have those experiences to grow in a particular way?

Sometimes, it can be hard to trust that God is in control. Sometimes it can be hard to accept that God has a plan for us. When all around us is changing, and we find ourselves living in a fast-moving world, it can be hard to trust that God knows what he is doing. Would we not be better off relying on our own judgement?

For Mary, though, this does not seem to have been an issue. She placed he faith completely in God, and wanted to adhere to his will for her life. Even in the extraordinary circumstances which Mary found herself in, she wants nothing more than for God’s will to unfold in her life. And let’s not forget, these were pretty extraordinary circumstances! The angel Gabriel has just appeared to Mary and told her that, despite being a virgin, she is going to have a child. Not just any child. Mary is to give birth to the son of God! She doesn’t look around to see which of her friends is playing a prank on her. She doesn’t tell Joseph to stop being so silly, and take the halo off. She simply takes the angel at his word, and says to him, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be as you have said.”

Perhaps we too should strive to be more like Mary. Maybe we should simply humble ourselves before God, tell him that we are his servants, and that we want God’s will to work in our lives. This Christmas, why not ponder on that. Why not try praying, “I am the Lord’s servant” each day, and see what God has in store for you?

Header image  © Copyright Paul Gillett and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Nothing is impossible with God

Nothing is impossible with God

For nothing is impossible with God.

Luke 1:37

Growing up, one of my greatest ambitions was to study at Cambridge University. Unfortunately, I was ill for most of my first year in Sixth Form, so didn’t get the grades. Instead, I found myself studying at the University of Essex. During my final year, I decided to train to be a teacher upon graduation. I decided I would apply to undertake my training at Cambridge University. Seemingly against all the odds, I was given one of the last places on the course, against some pretty tough competition. Not for the first time, I was convinced that God had opened doors for me that I genuinely believed were closed.

In the grand scheme of things, me being accepted to study at Cambridge is hardly earth shattering, particularly not in the context of today’s verse. The Angel Gabriel remarks to Mary that nothing – that’s nothing – is impossible with God. In our recent Mark Marathon series, we saw Jesus doing some pretty remarkable things – calming the storm, healing the sick, feeding the five thousand – all of which seem pretty remarkable to us. But, if he is indeed God, then these are small fry for him, since there is nothing that he cannot do.

We see this particularly in our current reading from Luke. Gabriel has just told Mary that she is to have a child, but she asks how this can be, since she is a virgin. Gabriel tells her that the Holy Spirit will overshadow her, and she will conceive a baby. Not just any baby, though. This baby will be the Son of God!

It seems today that the virgin birth is one of the most commonly questioned aspects of our faith. Yet if we truly believe that today’s verse is true – that nothing is impossible with God – I see no reason at all why Mary could not have given birth, despite being a virgin.

Try and remember this verse today. As you go about your daily life, just remember that nothing is impossible with God. With him on your side, you can accomplish anything.

The Son of the Most High

The Son of the Most High

“You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”

Luke 1:31-33

About three years ago, I travelled down to Sussex for a job interview. I was applying to be Head of History at a Catholic boarding school. I was quite surprised to have got an interview, because I was still quite young to be Head of Department in a top school, and had only been teaching a few years. During the day of the interview, I became convinced that I would not get the job. All the other interviewees were older than me, and had a great deal more experience. I was consequently very surprised when the Head Master telephoned me that evening to offer me the job. I think I even asked him if he was joking!

My shock at being offered a job must pale into total insignificance compared to what Mary was told by the angel Gabriel. Yesterday we saw how Mary was “greatly troubled” at the sight of Gabriel appearing to her. Imagine her shock when this teenage virgin was told that she would give birth to a son! The shock did not stop there, however! She was told that Jesus, her son, would be the Son of the Most High – the name Most High commonly being applied to God! Her son would inherit the throne of King David, and would rule a kingdom that would never end! If she was shocked by the appearance of the angel, how much more shocked would she be by this!

This, though, is exactly what came to pass. Mary did indeed give birth to the Son of the Most High – Jesus. And God did call Jesus to rule over a kingdom that will never end – a kingdom that continues to this day, and will, by its very definition, continue forever.

Since this kingdom is still present today, and we all live within it, there are important questions that need to be asked. Jesus is our heavenly King. Do we regard him as such? Do we recognise his authority in our lives? Do we defer to him in all that we do? Do we serve him as loyal subjects, or do we ignore his sovereignty?

This Christmas, spend some time pondering over just who Jesus is, and reflect on whether you are a loyal servant of the king, who will be rewarded, or a disloyal servant, who ignores the king’s authority, and risks being cast out of the kingdom.

You have found favour with God

You have found favour with God

The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God.”

Luke 1:28-30

A year or so ago, I was selected to represent the staff at my school on the governors’ education committee, responsible for overseeing the education provided by the school. Since the primary focus of a school is to education, I felt very privileged to have been selected for this important post. I also congratulated myself on achieving this honour; clearly the school had recognised just how good I was at doing my job, and how special I am, to have bestowed this responsibility on me. When I attended the meetings, however, I quickly discovered that being on the committee was rather – well, dull really! I also discovered that my primary purpose was to sit still and shut up whilst the genuinely important people got on with their job!

In today’s reading, the angel Gabriel appears to Mary to tell her that she has been singled out for a very special job. He announces that she is favoured by God. He tells her that the Lord is with her. Mary is “greatly troubled” by his words. I suspect that if I encountered an angel, I would probably jump out of my skin, so Mary’s reaction, as recorded by Luke, seems quite restrained! Mary’s reaction is also a testament to her modesty. She did not puff herself up and think of how important she must be to have been chosen by God. She didn’t look down on a mere angel, as she might have done for being so highly favoured. Instead, she is afraid, and humbled by the experience. Clearly it was unexpected, and Gabriel has to reassure Mary. Gabriel comforts Mary, and tells her not the be afraid, and reassures her that she has found favour with God.

I suspect that many of us, if we were selected for a special task by our bosses, or if we met a representative of our government who told us that we had been chosen for a special activity would be full of self-importance. Perhaps we should learn from Mary, however. Maybe we should reflect on our own humility and meekness. We may have been singled out to do a specific task by the Lord, but do we think that this is because we are special in God’s eyes? Or should be we humbled by the fact that God has chosen us, mere weak sinners, to serve him in this way?

The Eternal Kingdom

The Eternal Kingdom

26In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you.”

29Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God. 31You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. 32He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”

34“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

35The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 36Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. 37For nothing is impossible with God.”

38“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.

Luke 1:26-38

Every year, Christmas seems to come round that little bit faster.  I’m told that’s a consequence of getting older!  I do think, though, that the shops start introducing their Christmas ranges earlier and earlier, no doubt to try and get as much cash out of us as they possibly can!  The first Christmas story gives even Tesco a run for their money, however.  The first Christmas story began nine months before the birth of Jesus Christ, with the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary.  It is that vital, and oft-questioned, element of the Christmas story that this article will consider.  Firstly, we will consider Mary’s situation.  Secondly, we will look at how Gabriel introduced Mary to the baby that she would give birth to.  Finally, we will think about Mary’s response to Gabriel.

The Virgin Mary must be one of the most painted people in the whole of human history.  I doubt that there is a gallery anywhere in the world without at least one depiction of the mother of Christ.  Most people know very little about this woman, however.  What can we glean from this passage?  We know that she lived in Nazareth, a small, insignificant farming village on the road to Samaria.  We know that she was engaged to marry a carpenter named Joseph.  Whilst Joseph himself had a rather humble job, he was descended from the great king, David, as indeed Mary probably was too. We can also see that Mary humbly submitted herself to God’s plan. We know too that Mary was a virgin, since it is made explicit in this passage.  There are many high profile Christians who dispute whether Jesus was the result of a virgin birth, but if we are to believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God then there can be no doubt at all.  Luke introduces Mary as a virgin, and Mary herself affirms this.  So it is, then, that the messiah was born to a young, nervous woman who lived in a small village in the Middle East.  Perhaps rather surprising!

Who is this child who Mary is to bear?  Mary is told to call the child ‘Jesus’, which can be translated as ‘God rescues’.  Right from the name of this child, then, it becomes clear that God has an important plan for this child!  Gabriel says that the child will be great, and ‘Son of the Most High’, a term usually applied to God himself.  Jesus will be given the throne of his father, David, the king of the people of Israel.  Unlike the kingdom of his forefather, though, Gabriel explains that Jesus’ kingdom will go on forever; his kingdom will never end.  This is particularly significant, since how can a kingdom continue once the king has died?  Once Queen Elizabeth dies, those of us in the United Kingdom will be ruled over by her son, Prince Charles.  Jesus’ reign will be different, however.  We have here a foreshadowing of Jesus’ resurrection; if his kingdom is to continue, he cannot die.  It stands to reason, then, that Jesus’ kingly rule is still with us today!  We are servants of Jesus, the Son of God!  Just as Jesus’ kingdom knows no boundaries in terms of time, neither does it in terms of space; Jesus’ rule stretches to every corner of the globe, even to those who do not yet know him.  If Jesus is our king, perhaps we should reflect on how we are to serve him, particularly if we wish to be a part of this eternal kingdom.  How marvellous it would be to live under the rule of someone as dynamic, pure and righteous as Jesus!

Reading this, I am rather gobsmacked at what Mary is told.  What is her response, though?  Surely she must have been even more shocked!  Initially, we can see that Mary was, indeed, shocked; Gabriel tells her not to be afraid.  She then questions how Gabriel’s prediction can come true, since she is a virgin.  On hearing Gabriel’s explanation that the Holy Spirit will come upon her, Mary reacts in what can only be described as a cool, calm manner.  She simply responds, “may it be as you have said.  I am the Lord’s servant.”  For a young girl to respond in such a way demonstrates just how much faith Mary must have had.  It also reveals an incredible amount of humility, to accept God’s plan for her without questioning.  We can all learn from Mary’s response to Gabriel.  How often do we try to push God out of our lives in our determination to do things are own way?  How often do we reject the sovereignty of Christ, which we have just seen Gabriel foretell?  On a fairly regular, if not a daily basis, I should imagine.  Perhaps we should all resolve to adopt Mary’s attitude, and simply tell God that we will conform our lives to his will, and won’t try to pursue our own agendas.

What have we seen in this passage, then?  We have seen just who Mary is, particularly the fact that she was a virgin.  We have also seen Gabriel foretell the coming of Jesus, who will rule over an eternal kingdom.  We’ve also seen that Mary simply gave herself over to God’s will.  Let’s remember this Christmas just who Jesus was, and think about how we respond to his rule, and his will for our lives.

Be Separate

“Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.”

2 Corinthians 6:17

Yesterday evening I had a bath, and whilst I was in the bath I watched ‘Gavin and Stacey’ on the BBC’s iPlayer. After my bath, no doubt inspired by an integral part of the sit com’s story, I felt like getting an Indian takeaway, so I duly drove to my local. Whilst there, I saw an advert for a new gym that has opened in town, and so went to have a look. Although I do need to exercise more, I thought that rather than joining a new gym, I should make better use of my membership at my local swimming pool.

I’m always surprised these days that when you go swimming, you have to have a shower before you get into the pool. I don’t remember having to do that when I was a child. I guess it’s a good idea, though, since it washes all the dirt and grime off our bodies before we get into the nice, clean swimming pool.

In today’s reading, Paul emphasises one of the verses from our current Isaiah reading (Isaiah 52:11). He tells Christians that we should come out from unbelievers, that we should separate ourselves from them, and that we should touch no unclean thing. It sounds rather difficult, especially if, as most Christians do, we have friends who are not Christians! The point Paul is making, though, is that if we spend time with people who do not follow God’s path of righteousness, we risk being drawn into their sin, and being tainted by it, when we should be striving to lead pure and blameless lives. Just as a dirty person getting into a swimming pool can dirty the water and spoil it for those people who appreciate a nice, clean pool, so mingling with people who freely sin without thought of the consequences can make our thoughts, words or actions impure. It can sometimes be necessary, then, to take a stand; to not involve ourselves with people who might cause us to sin, or who might take us to an environment in which sin is routinely committed.

It’s very difficult, and I know that I am just as much at fault at this as the next person. Ultimately, it’s worth it, though. The Lord promises to receive us if we follow these three commands.