About Jabs and Jelly Babies.

Jabs and Jelly Babies is a blog and guide to living with Type 1 Diabetes.

The name ‘Jabs and Jelly Babies’ is inspired by the two defining features of a T1D’s life – jabs relating to insulin injections needed to reduce blood sugar, and jelly babies, one of the favoured tools to raise blood sugar.

Jabs and Jelly Babies launched in March 2024.

About the author.

Jabs and Jelly Babies is written by Simon L, a teacher based in the UK, who from this point will refrain from referring to himself in the third person.

I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes on Thursday 12th October 2020 at the age of 41, and share the story of my diagnosis here.

I read avidly, and I’m a writer and speaker. I enjoy walking, running, swimming and sailing. I try, sometimes unsuccessfully, not to allow T1D to stop me enjoying my hobbies.

I’m married to Claire, a doctor, and we have two children.