Scripture Index
Old Testament
- Genesis 1:1: God created the heavens and the earth
- Genesis 1:28: Fill the earth and subdue it
- Genesis 3:6: The Fall
- Genesis 11:4: The Tower of Babel
- Genesis 22:9-14: The ultimate sacrifice
- Genesis 24:12: Please grant me success today
- Genesis 24:26-27(a): Praise be to the Lord
- Genesis 26:12-13: A plentiful harvest
- Genesis 27:19: Please give me your blessing
- Genesis 28:12: Jacob’s ladder
- Genesis 28:12: Stairway to heaven
- Genesis 29:20: Work at it with all your heart
- Genesis 31:1-2: Give me children, or I’ll die!
- Genesis 31:3: I will be with you
- Genesis 32:9-12: Jacob’s prayer
- Genesis 33:4: Esau’s forgiveness
- Genesis 34:9: Give us your daughters
- Genesis 35:3: Let us go up to Bethel
- Genesis 36:6-8: Esau settles in Seir
- Genesis 37:3-4: Favouritism, anger and hatred
- Exodus 20:4-6: Why Will won’t last
- Exodus 20:12: Family ties
- Exodus 32:1: Make us gods who will go before us
- Exodus 34:21: The importance of rest
- Leviticus 10:10: A case of the dreaded lurgi
- Leviticus 13:45-45: The reason for the rule
- Leviticus 24:15-16: Is this blasphemy?
- Joshua 1:1-9: Be strong and courageous
- Proverbs 3:1-35: The Characteristics of Wisdom
- Isaiah 40:1-11: Prepare the Way: Make Straight Your Paths
- Isaiah 53: Remembrance: Hope in Death
- Ezekiel 37:1-14: Jesus: The Resurrection and the Life
New Testament
- Matthew 1:1: Jesus: Messiah, Son of David, Son of Abraham
- Matthew 1:18-24: Born of a Virgin?
- Matthew 2:1-2: We saw his star in the east
- Matthew 2:1-18: Anger, apathy or adoration?
- Matthew 2:9-10: They were overjoyed
- Matthew 2:11: They bowed down and worshipped him
- Matthew 2:13: Herod tries to eliminate Jesus
- Matthew 3:7-10: Produce fruit in keeping with repentance
- Matthew 3:11: He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire
- Matthew 3:13-15: It is proper to do this to fulfil all righteousness
- Matthew 3:13-17: The Baptism of Jesus
- Matthew 3:16-17: At that moment, heaven was opened
- Matthew 4:1 Power over demons, power over the devil
- Matthew 4:1-4: Man shall not live on bread alone
- Matthew 4:17: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near
- Matthew 4:18-22: Come, follow me
- Matthew 5:1-12: The wisdom of heaven
- Matthew 5:3: Blessed are the poor in spirit
- Matthew 5:4: Blessed are those who mourn
- Matthew 5:5: Blessed are the meek
- Matthew 5:6: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
- Matthew 5:7: Blessed are the merciful
- Matthew 5:8: Blessed are the pure in heart
- Matthew 5:9: Blessed are the peacemakers
- Matthew 5:10-12: Blessed are those who are persecuted
- Matthew 5:13: You are the salt of the earth
- Matthew 5:13-16: How to change the world
- Matthew 5:14-16: You are the light of the world
- Matthew 5:16: Actions speak louder than words
- Matthew 5:17-21: I have not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets
- Matthew 5:38-41: Turn the other cheek
- Matthew 5:43-48: Pray for Ukraine
- Matthew 5:43-48: Love your enemies
- Matthew 5:44-45: Love your enemies
- Matthew 6:1-4: Giving in secret
- Matthew 6:5-13: Do not be like the hypocrites when you pray
- Matthew 6:14-15: Forgive other people
- Matthew 6:16-18: When you fast, do not look sombre
- Matthew 6:19-24: Do not store up treasures for yourselves on earth
- Matthew 6:25-34: Do not worry about your life
- Matthew 7:1-5: Do not judge, or you too will be judged
- Matthew 7:6: Do not give dogs what is sacred
- Matthew 7:7-8: Ask and it will be given to you
- Matthew 7:12: Do to others what you would have them do to you
- Matthew 7:13-14: Enter through the narrow gate
- Matthew 7:21-23: Not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven
- Matthew 7:24-27: A wise man who built his house on the rock
- Matthew 9:35-38: Harassed and Helpless
- Matthew 9:37-38: Labourers for the harvest
- Matthew 10:32-33: Do you acknowledge Christ?
- Matthew 10:38-39: Take up your cross
- Matthew 11:2-6: Are you the one who is to come?
- Matthew 11:28-30: Finding inner peace
- Matthew 12:9-14: The value of human life
- Matthew 12:25-28: Arsenal v Arsenal? Unlikely!
- Matthew 12:33-37: Stupid In, Stupid Out
- Matthew 12:46-50: Who are my brothers?
- Matthew 13:1-2: Such Large Crowds Gathered
- Matthew 13:31-43: The Righteous Will Shine Like the Sun
- Matthew 14:13: The crowds followed him
- Matthew 14:20: They were all satisfied
- Matthew 14:22-23: Called to do the Impossible
- Matthew 14:25-31: Called to do the impossible
- Matthew 15:10-11: What do your words say about you?
- Matthew 15:13-14: The blind leading the blind
- Matthew 15:22,28: You have great faith
- Matthew 16:13-16: Who do you say I am?
- Matthew 17:22-23: The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men
- Matthew 20:28: The Servant King
- Matthew 21:42: The capstone rejected
- Matthew 22:37-39: The Greatest Commandment
- Matthew 22:39: Love your neighbour as yourself
- Matthew 28:18-20: The Great Commission
- Mark 1:1: A Question of Identity
- Mark 1:1-8: Prepare the Way: Make Straight Your Paths
- Mark 1:1-12: An Impressive First Impression
- Mark 1:9-15: You are my child, whom I love
- Mark 1:14-15: The Waiting Is Over!
- Mark 1:16-20: Responding to Christ
- Mark 1:21-22: Everyone remembers a good teacher!
- Mark 1:21-34: Listening to God’s Word
- Mark 1:32-33: Crowds at the Door
- Mark 1:35: Getting Away From It All
- Mark 1:38: Never forget your purpose for being here!
- Mark 1:40-41: Loving the unloved
- Mark 2:2: The Gathering Crowds
- Mark 2:13: The Crowds Continue to Gather
- Mark 2:17: The Doctor will see you now
- Mark 2:22: Be prepared to change
- Mark 2:28: The Lord of the Sabbath
- Mark 3:2: The Challenge of Christ
- Mark 3:4: Healing on the Sabbath
- Mark 3:7-8: The Crowds flock to Christ
- Mark 3:14-15: Join the Team!
- Mark 3:16-19: Getting on Together
- Mark 3:22: Jesus attracts attention
- Mark 3:31-35: The Family of Christ
- Mark 4:1: Listen to Jesus
- Mark 4:35-41: No Need for Fear
- Mark 4:37-38a: Keep calm, don’t panic!
- Mark 4:40: A giant leap of faith
- Mark 5:34: Your faith has healed you
- Mark 5:36: Do not be afraid, just believe
- Mark 5:41-42: Talitha Koum!
- Mark 6:1-13: Jesus rejected by his neighbours
- Mark 6:14: Mistaken Identity
- Mark 6:30-31: Get some rest!
- Mark 6:30-34: Compassion: are you the answer to your own prayer?
- Mark 6:45-46: Jesus prays
- Mark 7:1-2: Challenging established orders
- Mark 7:14-15: Clean or unclean?
- Mark 7:24-37: Who is this man?
- Mark 7:36: Getting excited!
- Mark 8:2-3: Jesus’ compassion
- Mark 8:8: Trust in the Lord
- Mark 8:12: Look around you
- Mark 8:22-33: Who do you say I am?
- Mark 8:29: The Decision
- Mark 8:31: Jesus the Christ
- Mark 8:31-21: He must suffer, be rejected and be killed
- Mark 9:2-13: Listen to Him!
- Mark 10:13-31: A child-like faith
- Mark 10:46-52: To believe, or to have faith?
- Mark 11:1-11: The triumphal entry
- Mark 11:12-26: The corrupt temple
- Mark 11:27-33: By whose authority?
- Mark 12:13-27: “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s”
- Mark 12:28-30: Love the Lord your God
- Mark 12:28-30: Love that resonates inside our being
- Mark 12:28-34: Just Love: The Two Greatest Commandments
- Mark 12:28-34: Just Love: The Love Revolution
- Mark 12:29: #JustLove: The Greatest Commandment
- Mark 12:29-31: Love the looters
- Mark 12:41-44: Sacrificial Giving: The Widow’s Mite
- Mark 13:32-37: Watching for Jesus
- Mark 16:1-8: Remembrance: Hope in Death
- Luke 1:16-17: Are you ready?
- Luke 1:26-38: The eternal kingdom
- Luke 1:28-30: You have found favour with God
- Luke 1:31: Born of a Virgin?
- Luke 1:31-33: The Son of the Most High
- Luke 1:37: Nothing is impossible with God
- Luke 1:38: The Lord’s Servant
- Luke 1:46-49: My soul glorifies the Lord
- Luke 1:50: From generation to generation
- Luke 1:51-52: He has brought down rulers from their thrones
- Luke 2:6: The time came
- Luke 2:7: She gave birth to her firstborn
- Luke 2:8-20: Exciting News!
- Luke 2:11: A saviour has been born to you
- Luke 2:13-14: Glory to God in the highest
- Luke 2:16-18: They found the baby in a manger
- Luke 2:20: The shepherds glorify and praise God
- Luke 2:25-26: The hope of Simeon
- Luke 2:29-32: A light for revelation to the Gentiles
- Luke 2:34-35: The rising and falling of many
- Luke 4:18-19: Jesus preaches good news
- Luke 4:21-22: Isn’t this Joseph’s son?
- Luke 6:38: The overflowing container
- Luke 8:37: Jesus is asked to leave
- Luke 8:38-39a: Tell me how much God has done for you
- Luke 8:39b: A passion for evangelism
- Luke 9:30-31: Just who is this man?
- Luke 11:1-13: The Lord’s Prayer
- Luke 11:43: Don’t miss the point
- Luke 12:2-3: There’s no hiding!
- Luke 12:8: Acknowledge Christ before others
- Luke 12:34: Treasure of the heart
- Luke 12:35-36: Be ready for service
- Luke 13:1-3: Punished by God?
- Luke 13:23-24: The Narrow Door
- Luke 13:24-25: Enter through the Narrow Door
- Luke 14:11: Those who humble themselves will be exalted
- Luke 14:26: Hate your loved ones?!?
- Luke 15:20: The compassion of a father
- Luke 16:13: No one can serve two masters
- Luke 16:19-31: How convinced are you by the gospel?
- Luke 16:31: They will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead
- Luke 17:3(b)-4: If they repent, forgive them
- Luke 17:20(b)-21: The kingdom of God is in your midst
- Luke 17:17-21: God’s kingdom, within us
- Luke 18:17: Receive the kingdom of God like a little child
- Luke 18:22: Sell everything you have
- Luke 18:43: He followed Jesus, praising God
- Luke 19:14: We don’t want this man to be our king
- John 1:43-51: The Call of Christ
- John 1:51: Jesus: The New Link to Heaven
- John 2:13-32: Cleansing the Temple: Pure Worship
- John 6:24-35: I am the Bread of Life: Finding Eternal Satisfaction
- John 6:35: The Bread of Life
- John 6:35: Thirst no more
- John 10:22-30: Safe in the Father’s hand
- John 11:1-45: Jesus: The Resurrection and the Life
- John 13:31-35: The Mark of a Disciple
- John 14:1-14: The Way, The Truth and The Life
- John 19:28: “I Thirst,” A Lent Reflection
- Acts 1: Great Expectations
- Acts 1:8: You will receive power
- Acts 1:11: Jesus will return
- Acts 2: A Powerful and Awesome Force
- Acts 2:36-39: You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
- Acts 2:38: The gift of the Holy Spirit
- Acts 2:42: The acts of the Church
- Acts 2:42-47: Church, Differently
- Acts 3: The Promise of Righteousness
- Acts 4: The Courage of the Apostles
- Acts 4:4: They heard the message and believed
- Acts 5: It’s Not Always Easy
- Acts 5:14: Mission Leading to Growth
- Acts 5:31: Jesus – Prince and Saviour
- Acts 5:38b-39a: Plan of Man or God?
- Acts 6: Growing Pains
- Acts 6:3-4: Delegation’s what you need…
- Acts 6:7: The Word of God Spread
- Acts 6:8-9: Arguing against ideas
- Acts 7:9-10a: God rescued him from all his troubles
- Acts 7:34: I will send you
- Acts 7:51-53: Blaspheming the Holy Spirit
- Acts 7:55-60: The Way, The Truth and The Life
- Acts 13:50-51: Shake the dust from your feet
- Romans 2:2: Judgement based on truth
- Romans 3:20: Conscious of sin*
- Romans 3:23-24: All have sinned
- Romans 3:23-24: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
- Romans 6:1-10: Remembrance: Hope in Death
- Romans 7:12: The law is holy
- Romans 7:24-25a: Safe from death
- Romans 8:1: There is no condemnation
- Romans 8:18: Future Hope
- Romans 8:16: The Intercession of the Spirit
- Romans 8:28: God Works In All Things
- Romans 8:31-32: Who Can Be Against Us?
- Romans 10:14-15: Beautiful Feet
- Romans 12:1: True and proper worship
- Romans 12:2: The Company We Keep
- Romans 12:2: Be transformed by the renewing of your mind
- Romans 12:4-5: We form one body
- Romans 12:6-8: Use your gifts!
1 Corinthians
- 1 Corinthians 1:1-9: The Church of God
- 1 Corinthians 5:6-7: Don’t follow the crowd!
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: Love is Patient
- 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7: Love is Kind
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: Love does not envy
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: Love does not dishonour others
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: Love keeps no record of wrongs
- 1 Corinthians 15:1-28: Raised from the dead
2 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians 5:10: The judgement seat of Christ
- 2 Corinthians 6:17: Be Separate
- 2 Corinthians 13:11: The God of love and peace be with you
- Galatians 1:3-5: The most generous gift
- Galatians 2:15-16: Justified by faith in Christ
- Galatians 2:21: Christ did not die for nothing
- Galatians 3:2: How did you receive the Spirit?
- Galatians 3:26-28: You are all one in Christ Jesus
- Galatians 5:13-14: You were called to be free
- Galatians 5:16-17: Walk by the Spirit
- Galatians 5:22-23: The Fruit of the Spirit
- Galatians 5:22-23: The Fruit of the Spirit
- Galatians 6:1-10: Let us do good to all people
- Ephesians 1:3-6: He predestined us for adoption
- Ephesians 1:7-10: We have redemption through his blood
- Ephesians 1:13-14: A deposit guaranteeing our inheritance
- Ephesians 4:22-24: Put off your old self
- Ephesians 5:17: Understanding the Lord’s will
- Philippians 2:14-16: No grumbling or arguing!
- Colossians 1:15-27: Jesus Supreme
- Colossians 3:23-24: A New Year’s Resolution
- Hebrews 11:29-12:3: Running the race marked out for us
- Hebrews 12:1: Let us run the race marked out for us
1 Peter
- 1 Peter 2:11-12: Trying to be an alien
- 1 Peter 4:1-2: The long-term interest
2 Peter
- 2 Peter 3:8-15: Prepare the Way: Make Straight Your Paths
1 John:
- 1 John 1:1-4: A relationship that will endure
- 1 John 1:5-7: If we walk in the light
- 1 John 1:8-10: We deceive ourselves
- 1 John 2:1-2: We have an advocate
- 1 John 2:3-8: The true light is already shining
- 1 John 2:9-11: The darkness has blinded
- 1 John 4:7-21: Just Love: The Love Revolution
- 1 John 4:16(b)-10: He first loved us
- 1 John 5:11-12: He who has the Son has life
- Revelation 22:17: Come, Lord Jesus